Wednesday, February 17, 2016


The pimples are healing from my popping extravaganza. There is only one new development unde my jawline on the left hand side. I decided to give my face a break from popping for the face has been business as usual. Dry and flaking but not as badly as it was previously. I can't believe that I'm nearingt on a month of use. 
This is the left hand side of my face at the moment. The bright red bump on my jawline is the developing nodule with a smaller nodule forming beside it. This may be a whitehead that I irritated while picking. The larger cyst by my ear is just a healing wound at the moment like most of the spots on this side.

The front of my face looks deceptively clear.

The right side of my face is calming down. Most of these are either scars or tiny whiteheads that aren't really noticeable or bothersome.

As always, until next time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


The Aftermath:
All in all, I'm not too worried about it. The pimples feel less sore than they did prior to popping. I aggravated one beside my ear which turned into a hard nodule (which I popped after taking the nightly pictures). My skin is still dry and burning, but significantly better than the initial week. Until next time.


Well, I popped. I'm not proud of it, but I couldn't stand it any longer. I am experimenting to see the healed product. I will upload a pre and post pop picture for today. 


Sunday, February 14, 2016


Today when applying my epiduo, I first applied Vaseline to my eyes and around my nose. I hope this will help the dryness. Also, I started applying moisturizer twice a day. This seemed to help with my visible flakes. I want to avoid exfoliation because I am worried it may burn or irritate my face further. My face doesn't look as red today, and doesn't feel as tight as it has been feeling recently. Possibly, my skin is getting used to the product *knocks on wood*. The larger pustule I have on my skin is shrinking, and the center of it looks more green/yellow coloured (ew). The left side of my face is freaking out, while the right side seems to be calming down. I suppose they are taking turns? The pimples that I popped yesterday are almost fully healed and not painful. My period is done also, so potentially my hormones are calming down and this will have a positive impact on my skin. Who knows. Until next time.



The pimple on my cheek (left side) is hard and with a whitehead. I'm still not going to pop it. Also, I feel another massive breakout coming on my jawline on the right side. It appears in the photo attached as red spots, but feels very painful. My skin is still dry, pink, and burning. I broke down and popped two pimples on the corner of my jaw, and two beside my ear. I felt as though the ones on my jawline would have turned into a massive cyst otherwise. I am avoiding any "visible" pimples that are on my face to avoid scarring. I'm not sure if it will make a big difference, but time will tell I suppose. I want to take a night off from applying epiduo, but I am scared that I will break out even more. Other than that, there is no breaking news. My eye lids are still dry and flaky, which is quite puzzling for me. Until next time.



My skin has been consistently pink and dry all day. I thought the redness would subside about an hour after I applied my moisturizer, but it did not. Thankfully I had nowhere to be so makeup wasn't necessary, otherwise it would have BURNED. My face is breaking out again. What else is new. I feel like it would be redundant to complain about that again. Instead, I will just attach the photos and call it a night. Until next time.



For some reason, the top portion of my eyes are flaking really badly. I didn't apply any gel on there, obviously so I'm not quite sure how it got there. I contemplated skipping a day of epiduo, but opted against it. I figure I will go into it with my guns blazing. Tonight, I applied my gel and opted to apply Vaseline all over my face and eyes. Even the Vaseline burned to put on. My skin is tight, burning, and overall uncomfortable.

I was wearing a dark blue cowl neck shirt today, and looked down to find a massive amount of my flaked off skin trapped in the cowl. That's hot. I keep seeing new breakouts, in relatively the same areas as I always have. I suppose that it's  so much for seeing positive results. I may be feeling emotional, but I am wondering why I am even making myself suffer. I guess everything for the sake of beauty.

I still have not popped anything, but will probably have a squeeze-fest tomorrow if the huge ugly whiteheads keep appearing on the right side of my chin. I am feeling really down at the moment about my skin and overall appearance. My skin looks ugly, and feels horrible with no sign of improvement. Until next time.



I left the epiduo on my skin for 15 minutes before applying moisturizer. And BOY did it burn. More than usual today. I have three quite painful flare ups on my face. One with a nice attractive white head. I had to use extraordinary amounts of self control while washing off my makeup. I will say, that overall the appearance of my skin is slightly better. There aren't little tiny bumps all over, just a few very deep pimples. I prefer that, actually. I am hoping that at some point in my journey, that my skin will be at least 80% clear. I also got a good shot of my nose flakes, so hopefully you're not eating while reading. I'm going to be avoiding mirrors until the big juicy whitehead by my skin shows itself off my face. Until next time, y'all.




Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I have a painful cyst forming below the "clearing up" patch on the right side of my chin area. It hurts like hell, but I'm not going to touch it. The flakes around my lips aren't really imoroving so I skipped applying the epiduo on that area tonight. Hopefully that will help somewhat. I ordered a Boscia konjac sponge from Sephora tonight as was suggested on Reddit skincare addiction. Hopefully that will help slough off my scales. I am giving up foundation for a while, since it makes my skin burn like crazy and makes me look more flaky than I am. The pimples that are on the right side of my face seem to be just peeling off. Also, the small white pimples around my chin are slowly disappearing, and they are the ones that never quite disappeared. I think these pimples that are showing up are the little bastards going away. As promised, I am including a 10 day side-by-side for comparison. Until next time.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016


The right side of my face seems to be really calming down. There is still some bumps there but they are not painful like they were previously. My complaints remain the same; burning skin, flaky skin, and new bumps. I also have my period now so this definitely isn't helping my hormones and could explain the size of this breakout (if it isn't purging). It sucks applying makeup since my skin is so dry.  The makeup doesn't apply smoothly and it makes the flakes far more visible. My husband was also complimenting my skin and the amount of improvement he is seeing in such a short period of time. Tomorrow, I will post a side-by-side image of the 10 day transformation of my skin. Until next time.


I have noticed the pimples are becoming smaller and less noticeable on the right side of my face. They do hurt though, but I would assume that this is the purging stage that I have read about all over the Internet. Around my nose is red (which you can't really tell from these photos) and a large flake develops on the sides of my nose nightly. I am having a ridiculously hard time not squeezing away at my face. It has been very tempting but I have surprisingly refrained from picking at the right side. My face still tingles when I apply moisturizer, and I have noticed a flaky patch by the bottom and top of the left side of my lip. All in all, I prefer the look of my face here to day 4 or 5.


I feel as though some of the redness from the acne on the ritght side of my cheeks have calmed down (slightly). The cyst that I squeezed beside my ear has scarred slightly, but nothing that makeup can't hide. All in all, there is no significant improvement or change since DAY SIX. Also, I wanted to mention that my posts have not been daily, but I do take these photos nightly and document some key concerns or improvements I am noticing in my iPad. For whatever reason, the photos I take aren't automatically available on the blogger website.