Sunday, January 31, 2016

DAY ONE: A New Hope

Myself, like many of you are suffering with acne. Mine seems to be of the hormonal variety due to a progesterone IUD device.

I am unsure about where this gel will take me, but am hoping it will be on the path to the clear and beautiful skin I once had. I will be posting daily videos and commenting on the overall condition of my skin as time goes on. I have never posted a picture of my acne-riddled face without the security blanket of foundation (which really doesn't hide it), but am hoping it will be inspiring those to be not ashamed of something that is out of your control.

Acne doesn't define you, it is just an unfortunate set of lumps that somehow decided to hang out on your face. So now that the introduction has been made, lets dive into day one!


This will be a "before" photograph of the condition of my skin. There is scarring, and whiteheads, and blackheads, OH MY! My skin is generally dry/combinations with oily areas around my t-zone (and eyelids oddly). I have deep-seeded cystic acne all along my jawline, but is more heavily present on my jaw close to my ears (where my hair usually covers, phew).

 I have patches of these stubborn tiny pimples without heads in either side of my chin. No matter how many times I pop them, they always come back and bring friends. My nose is littered with blackheads (which doesn't seem to bother me much), and the odd patch of whiteheads will appear on either side of my nose from time.

I have always been a notorious skin-picker, hence the scarring. For the purpose of our experiment with Epiduo/Tactupump I will refrain from popping to see the speed at which this gel zaps my skin-pals.

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